Hey Fab,
I am just curious how the book is going.
I am equally interested in the process as I am wondering when I might see it on my Kindle
Cheers mate
Nice to see people are interested! So far I haven’t made much headway on typing up the handwritten stuff from February. So there sadly hasn’t been much progress. I am currently buried to my neck in work and will be taking some time off soon. So the earliest I can get back to this is August. But I definitely want to as soon as possible. It’s just been that work and private life has been very crazy lately.
FYI, if you decide you want to crowdsource that OCR process, I’m volunteering.
That is a sick community idea! I would break my head deciphering handwriting though
That is an awesome offer. You might change your mind when you see my handwriting, though. Even as someone used to MDs…
quick, get the machine learning brigade in here!
I’ve actually been experimenting with current AI solutions for OCR that are available as web services. For now they are … not up to the task.