
Yeah, my week is kind of continuing apace. I’ve had even more stuff come up and won’t be able to record and stream the podcast today either. Currently, I don’t know when I can even try to get this done. I will let you know as soon as I have a plan. It’s all gone to hell in the first week already.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Unfortunately, it looks that the new year is already jinxed.

And there’s no way back :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There’s an important paradigm in software engineering that I have been aware of for quite some time, but only now am in process of really internalizing: always plan for failure.

The software you’re writing will fail once in a while. Even if you manage to avoid any bugs[1], even if the hardware never fails[2], there will always be a rogue cosmic ray that will cause a bit flip once in a while, so your software ends up in some unpredictable and uncontrolled state. Recovering from that state is something you need to plan for and design your software accordingly.

Boy, does this apply to life in general!

  1. You don’t. ↩︎

  2. It will. ↩︎

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I hope all is well with you, as it seems that you are not talking about software in particular.

But yeah, I totally agree with the concept, I think it’s also related to what is called “defensive programming”.

Another related rule of thumb is to be careful about non-reversible decisions: it’s easy when you can “undo”, but when this is not an option, decisions should be considered very carefully.

All the best!

I was rather talking about the year being jinxed on arrival. :slight_smile:

But yep, I’m allright, and wish everybody the same.

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I am really bad at that. But maybe now is the time to change this. If I’m making plans anyway…

Same here!

Unfortunately I really got my plate full this week and the coming one after that. But then I will try to regroup and once again fix this mess.

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Sometimes the language you use help by providing tools.

I used to code a lot in Delphi/Pascal, and the structured exception handling there, was very helpful to learn and apply.