Love the music, thank you!
To continue the discussion about the accountability of the lawmakers, I don’t think simple “not electing them again” cuts it. I mean, that’s what’s supposed to be happening already (if press worked and enough people cared, that is), but that’s not enough, as evident by the laws being passed. Of course, being Russian I don’t have much faith in the democratic process, so I may be underappreciating the severity of the “not being elected again” punishment. Still, if I drive in a way that endangers people around me, my driving license gets revoked, but if my driving causes massive damage to property or deaths, I don’t merely get my license revoked, I also get substantial fines and jail time. People that make laws that cause innocent people to lose jobs and be imprisoned shouldn’t get to walk with merely “a license revoked”, the danger they pose is not potential, it’s very real and harming real people.
As for the matter of the episode itself, I think I do understand why you may feel the way you feel about people enabling all this “non-content” with their money, and people producing the “non-content” instead of getting “real” jobs, but I don’t think it all is a tragedy of any perceptible scale. I think it’s all rather ok.
People are strange. People get amused by strange things other people like you or me don’t find amusing. I think D&D is a waste of time, and you invest considerable time and effort in doing it; I invest a hell of a lot of time, money and effort in parenting, while you don’t find it a thing worth doing; that’s ok, people are different, that’s arguably the good thing about them. There were times when mental asylums made quite some money selling tickets, and people would pay some hard-earned money to look at untreated mental patients for amusement and entertainment. Public executions were a big thing, too, not so long ago, also with front-row tickets for sale. I say: if any of these people need help (like children recording sex-related videos while they are still too young to actually understand what they’re doing, or mental patients who don’t really know what’s real and what’s not), let’s get them the help they need, otherwise, as long as everybody (including the person who pays) is a consentig adult, and nothing illegal is happening, let them do whatever they please.
Mankind is wealthy enough. This only became true recently, even a hundred years ago you coundn’t say there’s enough food, clean water, clothes and shelter on the planet without most people needing to work almost 24/7 to produce food and other goods. Granted, there are imbalances still, and the situation is different in Düsseldorf compared to a remote village in Congo, or in Moscow compared to countryside somewhere in Polinesia, but humanity on average is doing quite allright. We can even afford having most people working merely a 40-hour week, and still don’t have a third of Europe’s population starve to death after having two bad years for crops in a row — isn’t that awesome!? And without everybody and their under-age children having to constantly work their asses off, there appears to be a job market for TikTok beggars, and an option to make a living doing that.
I share your sentiment about how it would be better if people paid artists instead, but the people we have available pay the “non-content-creators”, and trying to fix people is where every great project of building a Society of the Future (Free from the Inadequacies of the Present) failed so far. Humans gonna human, the quest to righten them is futile, however noble.
And the lack of good waiters is easily fixable: raise the wages. Yes, the customers will have to pay up. Having high-class waiters serve you dinner is a luxury after all.