The Ukraine situation was predictable for anyone who paid attention

Looking at this all from inside Russia I can’t be objective, of course, and I admit I’m somewhat of an idealist. I want Russia to be a good place to live in, and I want Russians to be a prosperous and happy nation. Thing is, I seriously doubt that the imperial course is even compatible with these wishes. I may be a fool, but I don’t subscribe to the whole “NATO is dreaming to attack, destroy and enslave us, and we have to attack first if we want to live” paradigm, and I feel that outside this paradigm the whole ordeal makes no sense whatsoever. Yet the Russian government seems to be locked in this paradigm, and so are many Russians. I find it quite unfortunate.

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This term is as stupid as “mansplaining”. If you’re a man and you explain things (which is my job), you are mansplaining by definition. I can’t change that I have a penis. Nor can I change that I was born in West Germany. Can we please stop using this term? It’s what we call a “Kampfbegriff” in German, ie. it’s primarily used to attack people.

While I fully agree with every work you stated in your complete post, our media here begs to differ. Turns out that what you and I would call “facts” are much less written in stone when viewed by a certain segment of the population.