Climate stuff is deep topic. Putting everything under green umbrella doesn’t help it, and look like media buzz word.
Pollution is important, and is local (region/country). Putting it with GLOBAL WARMING make pollution seem not important to people (thanks, Greta).
The alarmism of the model (we gonna die in 10/15/50 years), and not changing the way of drumming the idea for the last 30 make it all seem fruitless (and just reason to have more taxes)
From talking/hearing to several people over the years, it seem lot of them don’t know what is global warming (whatever definition there is), and don’t know how the green laws suppose to help with it (including elected government people).
The ‘Not in my back yard’ is bigger influence than ‘how it be done’/‘how much it will cost’ - rolling problem to future generations or moving the problem to other countries.