Eye on The Press

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Thank you!

Unfortunately most people would like others to take a side and to show it.

But my personal belief is that this “us vs. them” mentality is the at the core of the issue.

War will only benefit the war-lords

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This is one of the biggest problems of our times, I feel. And a lot of it has grown out of those people who want to “save the planet” and constantly show that they are doing it. It’s a cancer that is eating human civilisation alive. And I don’t even feel that’s hyperbole…


There’s a quote commonly attributed to Josef Švejk[1]: “Don’t those idiots see where they’re shooting? There are people here!”

  1. I can’t remember it from the book, but then I read it ages ago. I really should re-read it when I have time. Probably, the quote is from one of the movies, though. ↩︎

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Oops! I kinda forgot posting here, didn’t I? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Okay. Here we go…

And finally, from today: